On Display
Object type

Coalbrookdale by Night by Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg


'Haystack' Boiler, 1775-1799

1775-1799 (original); 1900-1907 (model)

Pendulum clock designed by Galileo in 1642 and made by his son in 1649, model.

1642-1649 (original); 1883 (model)

Isaac Newton’s Reflecting Telescope (replica)

1668; 1924

Freud electronic laughing ball


Telescope by Galileo (replica)

1610; 1923

Atmospheric Engine by John Smeaton, 1772

1772 (original); 1919 (model)

Gold amulet in the form of a cobra

2000-100 BCE

Mobile cellular telephone (Motorola 'Flip Phone') model no. F09SQD8955AB


Pair-cased pocket watch in pinchbeck and leather outer casing with verge escapement


Electrotype replica of a 16th-century mariner’s astrolabe

1580-1588; 1930

Neolithic flint scraper

4000-2001 BCE

Copy of Roman artificial leg, London, England, 1905-1915

300 BCE; 1905-1915

Model of Gutenberg's Press, 1430


Copy of clay liver used for divination, original from Babylon, 2050-1750 BCE

2050-1750 BCE

Model of the Asklepion at Epidaurus, Greece, 1936


Model of Henry Cavendish's Torsion Balance Gravitational Apparatus, 1798

1798 (original); 1977 (model)

Mummy of a peregrine falcon, Egypt, 2000-1001 BCE

2000-1001 BCE

Glass display case containing various cosmetic devices from the 1700s, England, 1880-1930


Replica of Lightning Conductor by Benjamin Franklin, United States, 1730-1760

1730-1760 (original); 1931-1939 (replica)

Model of Mud House


Working model of Hero's Aeolipile

100-1 BCE; 1501-1600; 1914

Burial mask of Agamemnon, Greek, c. 1550 BCE

1600-1500 BCE (original); 1900-1914 (copy)

Replica Bavarian reckoning cloth, German, 16th century.

1501-1600; 1972

Model of submersible 'Turtle'

1976; 1776

Model of an Egyptian boat in XII Dynasty Tomb

1991-1783 BCE

Silver pill box engraved with a triangular pattern, Birmingham, England, 1801


Marine chronometer by John Arnold


Model of an Assyrian kelek or raft of inflated ox-hides, one of three models of Babylonian vessels of skin

700 BCE; 1931

Model of a Montgolfier Balloon, 1783

First Public Demonstration of a Montgolfier Balloon, 4th June, 1783.

1783; 1914

Ancient Egyptian flint saw, replica

circa 3000 BCE

Watt's Pumping Engine 'Old Bess', 1777

1777 (original); 1894 (model)

Dr. Witherings botanical microscope


Flint hand tool, side-scraper, made in the Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Model of a Printing Press, 1701-1800

1701-1800; 1982

Replica of Islamic Astrolabe

1066; 1876

Marine chronometer by Brockbanks


door knocker from the Great Hall of Lewis's Department Store


Rigged model of Flemish carvel construction Carrack


Model of a Phoenician bireme ship


Copy of model of a sheep's liver. Original Babylonian, c. 2050-1750 BC.

2050-1750 BCE

Oil jar, Egypt, 1580-1350BCE

2000-1350 BCE

Acheulian flint hand axe, c 10000-5000 BC.

10000-5001 BCE

Replica of Roman steelyard, from Pompeii, 79 AD

1-79 CE; before 1914

Plano-convex brick, Ubaid, Iraq, c 2500 BC.

2500 BCE

Scientific Researches! - New Discoveries in Pneumaticks! - or, an Experimental Lecture on the Powers of Air


Copy of forceps made from an Egyptian sculpture, Kom-Ombos, Egypt, 1901-1936

1901-1936; 180 BCE

Copy of Lodestone believed to have been used by Queen Anne

1929 (copy); 1702-1714 (original)

European astrolabe by Arsenius, 1566

1566; 1876

Rigged model of 'Santa Maria'

1920-1923; 1963